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Hardening Off Indoor Grown Plants From Seed

Hardening Off Seeds

The reason to take the time to harden off seed-grown plants is the same reason you would protect your "winter legs" from getting sunburned at the beginning of the summer.  They have to be acclimated and protected from the stronger UV rays.  

The stronger outside light can cause sun scale to the plant cells and possibly death. 

There are many seed and plant websites with videos and detailed guidelines, but here are the basics: 

  • After temperatures are no longer dipping below 60 degrees, find seedlings a protected and shady area where they do not get direct sun.  Water as usual.
  • After a few days, move to a slightly brighter protected spot with two to three hours of sun, preferably early morning and late afternoon when the sun is less intense. 
  • Move more intense sunlight and repeat. 
  • After 7-10 days, plant or move pot to full sun. 


Positively Pennsylvania 

Pennsylvania Farm Bureau March/April 2018 Vol.11 No.2

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