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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

Reglazing Your Tub and Shower: Is it Worth It?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 9 months ago

Do you have old, worn, or dated tile in your bathroom? You may want to take a sledgehammer to the wall and tear it all out, but may be a  better idea to consider all your options before you do that. Is tile reglazing worth it? Here are some pros and cons to consider.

What Fits Your Budget?

The first step is to consider the cost. The prices to replace a shower or tub and tile can range anywhere from $1,500 to $10,000. Reglazing can be 75% cheaper and will last about ten to fifteen years. You’ll...
Prep Your Property Against Weeds
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

To start preparing your property against weeds, inspect these following areas to make sure they won’t be hospitable to them. Consult your local landscaping professionals as well, to come up with a detailed plan to prevent weeds.

Pathways. Paths made from loose materials, such as bark mulch, decomposed granite or stones, can act as seeding beds, offering a natural spot for weeds to grow. Have weed preventer sprayed on these materials. Underneath shrubs. Areas under shrubs can be hard to reach,...
Small Projects to Help Sell Your Home Faster!
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Small renovation projects can instantly take your home to the next level when trying to sell. Take some time on the weekend to accomplish these mini renovations that can be done in just a few hours. Your space will wow potential buyers in no time!

As easy as it is to get comfortable with the little annoyances, like a creaky door, they will stand out immediately to buyers and suggest that you might not be maintaining the house well in other areas, too. These simple projects can be done in no tim...
Cutting Smaller Expenses Can Help You Save Big Money
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Saving money is often easier said than done, but if you’re serious about bulking up your savings account, there are ways to achieve your financial goals. And while eliminating vacations, canceling your cable subscription or getting rid of your car and relying on public transportation can help you save big chunks of money, these may not be practical solutions for you and your family.

If eliminating big expenses is too difficult, take a step back and focus on cutting smaller expenses that won’t i...
How to Make Your Mornings Less Stressful
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

For many people, mornings are stressful, even chaotic. Rushing and feeling anxious first thing in the morning can set a negative tone for the rest of the day. Some simple (but important) changes can make a world of difference.

Prepare for the Day AheadYou can eliminate much of your morning stress by taking care of as many things as possible the night before. Check the weather forecast and pick out clothes and shoes for yourself and your kids. If anyone will need an umbrella, coat or other items...
Simple Summer Landscaping Tips for a Tidier Yard
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

Is your yard looking wild? Overgrown? Unorganized? Below are five simple, low cost tips for keeping the space looking tidy.

Keep it trimmed. Trimming your grass regularly is an easy way to keep your yard looking loved. If you know you don’t have time for it, hire a professional or a neighborhood teen to stop by once a month and do it for you.

Add a few flower beds. Flower or shrub beds around the corner of your yard, encircling trees or alongside your house can create appealing symmetry. Choose...
Bathrooms Are Trending Toward Space and Comfort
CENTURY 21 Select Group 10 months ago

According to leading home designers, bathrooms today should be more than utilitarian spaces. They are increasingly treated as cozy oases intended to comfort and pamper.

If that’s your goal, here are a few good ideas for transforming your bathroom:

Enlarge it if you can. A good contractor can steal space you didn’t know you had, taking it from an adjoining room or a seldom-used closet and adding it to your bathroom space.

Use reclaimed materials. Old is new again as homeowners choose recycled ma...
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