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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

How to Make Your Spring Listing Stand Out
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 week ago

Spring is an ideal time to sell a home. It’s a well-known fact that both the number of buyers and inventory increase during the months of April, May, and June. This often means that your house could be paired against stiff competition. Here are some simple real estate tips to help your spring listing stand out!

Stay ahead of the home inspection If you know that a home inspector will find something wrong with your house, it’s advantageous to get it fixed before the inspection. Potential buyers...
Half Baths and Separate Water Closets
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 week ago

Bathrooms serve many functions including the place where we care for our personal hygiene as well as where we use the toilet. The Europeans have long had a solution for offering privacy to multiple household members using the bathroom facilities at the same time — the water closet. Many U.S. homeowners are discovering this and learning to embrace it.

Here are the advantages of having a separate water closet and bathroom:


Increased privacy

A separate water closet provides an added level of pr...
Sneaky Storage Tricks for Tiny Bathrooms
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 weeks ago

Small bathrooms with limited storage space make it tough to stow all the stuff you use daily and still keep the space looking tidy. Check these smart solutions discovered by Good Housekeeping Magazine:

Expand cabinet space. If your under-sink cabinet is stuffed to the gills, invest in an over-the-door storage basket that can hold your hair dryer, curling iron, and more.

Use the corners. Suction cups keep a tower of small storage spaces—as many as you’d like—firmly tucked into a corner of the sh...
How to Make a Small Room Look Larger
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 weeks ago

No matter how large your home may be, there’s always one room that’s just a little too small. Luckily, with some quick design tricks, any room can appear larger. Try a couple of these suggestions and watch your room magically expand.

Use lighter paint colors. Paint or wallpaper the ceiling in order to make a room look taller. Install wall-to-wall or floor-to-ceiling bookcases to make the ceilings look higher. Pull furniture away from the walls to create a feeling of spaciousness. Hang mirrors...
When to Lock in Your Mortgage Rate
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 weeks ago

10 Interior Decorating Trends We Are Leaving Behind
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 weeks ago

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and for some of you it would be hard to part with a beloved Tiffany-style lamp that has long passed its decorative prime. Maybe it has sentimental value, and if that's the case, in your eyes Tiffany is timeless and will never go out of style. Certainly, it can be artfully blended with other decorative elements to make it look colorful and interesting.

All whites and grays

In a recent 1stDibs on-trend hues report, white received the largest decline (down 10...
How to Keep Your Cholesterol in Check
CENTURY 21 Select Group 1 month ago

We’ve all heard the potential dangers of cholesterol, but what is it and how can we help manage it?

As HealthFinder.gov explains, cholesterol is a waxy substance that’s found naturally in your blood and helps your body do important things, such as make hormones and digest fatty foods. There are two types of cholesterol: HDL, considered good, and LDL, considered bad. However, if cholesterol builds up too much in your blood vessels, it could lead to a heart attack or stroke. Common causes of high...
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