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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

All the World’s a Garden
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

An award-winning author and internationally recognized expert on edible wild plants, Samuel Thayer reveals what watered the seeds of his lifelong fascination with foraging.

Where did you grow up? Who introduced you to foraging?I grew up in central and southern Wisconsin—mostly in the city, but I spent a lot of time in rural areas. I first remember my older sister teaching me to eat wood sorrel [an edible weed] when I was four years old. It was lemony and sour, and we all thought it was deliciou...
3 Stress-Busting Tips to Help You Start Your Day
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Between working, taking care of kids and maintaining a social schedule, the hustle and bustle of daily life can cause some people to feel exhausted, stressed or both. If you find yourself dragging your feet in the morning, waking up in a funk or dreading a stress-filled day, try to make a little time for yourself to boost your spirits.

Here are a few morning tips to help you take on the day with less stress and more smiles:

Make time to stretch. Stretching reduces anxiety and tension and slows...
5 Basics to Jumpstart Your Home Gym
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

We all know it; sitting is the new smoking. Everyday experts are coming out with new reasons for us to get our bodies moving to ensure long term health, but it can still be hard to get to the gym while accommodating your busy schedule. If you’re ready to make exercise a little easier on yourself by starting at home, there are a few items you should have to jumpstart your home gym and tackle those excuses.

Non-Slip Exercise Mat

Slipping and tripping is an easy way to set yourself up for an injur...
5 Tips to Spring Clean Your Home Inside and Out
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Spring cleaning isn’t just about purging dirt and grime. It’s also the perfect opportunity to take inventory of items around your home. As you tackle this season’s cleaning, look for ways to improve your overall living space, from getting rid of things you no longer need to adding items that can work harder for you.

Consider these five ways to tackle your home inside and out this spring.

Make organizing easier. As you clean each space, look for easy ways to reduce unsightly messes and improve o...
Are You Getting Enough Calcium?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

When you were a kid, adults probably told you to drink lots of milk in order to grow up big and strong. Granted, it might not make you Superman or Wonder Woman, but the calcium found in milk and other products does help make your body stronger, specifically your bones.

No matter how old a person is, everyone needs calcium to build or maintain bone strength. However, many people don’t get enough of the essential nutrient. That’s especially dangerous for older women, who are at higher risk for os...
5 Signs It's Time for a New Mattress
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

A good night’s rest helps you have a good day, not to mention stay healthy and alert. But if your mattress no longer gives you the proper comfort and support, it could mess with the many benefits of quality sleep.

Is it time for you to buy a new mattress? To help you decide, Consumer Reports offers these five signs that your mattress might be shot and worth replacing:

1. It’s a little lumpy. Lumps or deep indentations can happen over time, no matter which materials a mattress is made of. It may...
10 Easy Upgrades for a Healthier Home
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

’Tis the season for pollen and pesticides, not to mention pet dander and disease-carrying creepy-crawlies. The editors at ThisOldHouse.com checked in with health and environment experts across the country for easy, inexpensive tips to help keep your home healthy.

Here are 10 tips to keep in mind:

Add mats on both sides of the door. Up to 80 percent of the dirt that gets tracked inside—along with countless allergens, bacteria and lawn chemicals—can be caught before it makes itself at home with w...
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