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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

How to Keep Your Eyes Healthy
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Your eyes likely aren’t the first thing you think about when it comes to maintaining your overall body’s health, but eyes play a major role in most everyone’s life. To help keep your peepers healthy and your vision at its best, follow these tips from the experts at the National Eye Institute:

Get a comprehensive exam. You might think that your vision is fine or that your eyes are healthy, but visiting your eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam is the only way to really be s...
Winter-Proof Your Home
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Double-check your supply stock.

Make sure you have things like flashlights (with working batteries), snow shovels, and extra fuel for the generator, if you have one. If a winter storm hits when you least expect it, you’ll be thankful you did.

Make your home cozy.

Add elements that give your home a sense of warmth, such as textile art, wool throw pillows/blankets, candles, wood accents (for a rustic feel), and coffee table books. Bonus tip: Always keep a hot chocolate at the ready.

Buy a draft...
Are You Eating Too Much Sugar?
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Consuming too much sugar can affect your health in a host of ways. Many people don’t realize how much sugar is in the processed foods and beverages they enjoy on a regular basis. Some, such as tomato sauce and juice, have a lot more sugar than you might expect.

How Sugar Can Affect Your HealthProcessed foods contain fructose, a simple sugar that increases appetite and prevents the body from recognizing when it’s full. This leads to overeating and weight gain, with fat often stored in the belly....
Top Tips to Quit Smoking
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Want to quit smoking tobacco? There’s good reason to. Quitting smoking reduces your risk of cancer, heart disease and other illnesses. And let’s face it: Smoking is expensive, so kicking the habit can also save you a lot of cash.

Although quitting an addiction is inherently difficult and may take several tries, it’s not impossible. In fact, millions of people have successfully stopped smoking, and with hard work and the right strategies, you could become one of them. Try the following tips from...
7 Ways to Prevent Heart Disease and Stroke
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Someone dies from heart disease, stroke or another cardiovascular disease every 43 seconds in the U.S., according to the American Heart Association (AHA). To help you live a longer, healthier life, the AHA notes seven things you can do to reduce your chances of a heart attack or stroke.

1. Know your risk. Certain factors can increase your risk, including smoking, kidney disease, high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and a family history of early heart disease. Many risk factors can be preven...
10 Tips for Getting a Good Night's Sleep
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Do you find it tough to roll out of bed every morning? Are you yawning, feeling groggy and chugging cups of coffee throughout the day? News flash: You probably aren’t getting enough sleep.

Sleep is essential for your mental and physical health. Most adults need 7 to 8 hours of shuteye each night, and the quality of sleep you get is just as important as the amount. If you’re having trouble catching z’s, making some changes to your routine might help. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute,...
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