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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

Post-COVID Home and Space Design
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

When COVID-related closures began in March 2020, many folks hit the big-box stores to prepare for a couple of weeks of inconvenience. Instead, they found themselves working from home permanently while supervising virtual classes and trying to safely take a stroll around the neighborhood on a daily basis. The days that followed brought swamped medical resources, a stratospheric real estate market, and a host of generation-defining paradigm shifts, which have created permanent changes in the way w...

How to Avoid Post-Pandemic Overspending
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

Filling up the gas tank? Nope.

Going to the movies? Nope.

Paying for day care? Nope.

Did you actually end up saving money during the great quarantine of 2020? If you’re like most Americans these last few months, you’ve buckled down, you’ve looked for ways to cut back, and you’ve hoarded cash. You saved like saving was going out of style!

Nearly 80% of Americans have saved money just by not going out to eat ($245 savings), not going on vacation ($1,400 savings), and not making major purchases ($...
Back-To-School Tips For Keeping Kids Healthy
CENTURY 21 Select Group 3 years ago

Sending your child back to the classroom this fall? Here’s a pediatrician’s advice for keeping them healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Back-to-school looks very different this year. And parents everywhere are asking themselves (and their pediatricians), “should I send my child back to school?” There’s no doubt that school plays a critical role in kids’ lives, not only for their educational needs, but for their emotional well-being. But with COVID-19 cases rising in some areas, and the uncert...
Tech for Efficient Remote Working
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

Digital nomads who work while traveling need to keep their tech devices updated and in good shape if they want to succeed. Without them, their productivity could suffer and could cost them their jobs. Here are some tech must-haves for the remote worker:

Portable Wi-Fi RouterInternet connections at hotels, coffee shops, libraries and other public places can be unreliable. Having your own portable Wi-Fi router that allows you to wirelessly connect multiple devices at the same time can be a lifesa...
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

During this unprecedented time, we at CENTURY 21 would like to thank all our local heros from the bottom of our hearts!

These Apps Will Help You Keep Up with Friends and Family in Quarantine
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

For most families and friend groups, the separation experienced over the last few weeks has been challenging to say the least. While we may not be able to connect physically, there are thankfully plenty of ways to connect virtually.

If you’re looking for a fun way to stay in touch with loved ones, download these apps today. Some even offer built-in games so you can stay entertained for hours while you’re spending time at home.


This app can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices...
DIY Whimsical Wind Chime
CENTURY 21 Select Group 4 years ago

A wind chime is a great way to add some personality to your outdoor living space. This whimsical wind chime is not only easy to make, but also utilizes old items laying around your house for an antique look.


Spray paint the old keys, and let dry. Wrap the inner circle of an embroidery hoop tightly with yarn. Tie a piece of the nylon beading thread to a key, making sure that the key is at the bottom of the strand. Slide on some of the assorted beads and bells. Repeat with the remai...
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