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Northern Poconos Real Estate News

Create a Stylish Home Office in a Limited Space
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

With more people working from home and the trend expected to continue, many who’ve been co-opting the kitchen table are looking for better ideas. 

From designers focused on meeting this need, here are four simple and workable ideas that won’t break the bank: 

Create a moveable work zone. Turn the area behind your sofa or in a corner of your bedroom into a comfy work space by day that knows its place in the evening. Start with a lightweight, sit-or-stand desk (many are now available at office f...
A Brief Guide to Biophilic Design
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The modern world has many advantages, but one issue that many of us are facing, particularly those who spend their days working in front of a computer, is the feeling of being disconnected from the natural world. The good news is that a growing movement known as biophilic design might be just the answer and is being utilized by designers and architects around the world. Cities, in particular, are embracing this trend, and if you’re looking for a living space that will help you reconnect with Mot...

The Best Instagram Accounts to Follow for Everyone's Design Style
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

When you’re moving into a new residence or staging your current home before selling it, finding the right design inspiration can help save you a lot of time and anguish. While there are plenty of good resources to consider, Instagram is perhaps one of the most useful platforms for exploring the latest design trends. Below are a few of my favorite accounts to follow for every style of interiors.  

Traditional: @theglampadRun by an interior design blogger, this account is regularly updated with t...
Post-COVID Home and Space Design
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

When COVID-related closures began in March 2020, many folks hit the big-box stores to prepare for a couple of weeks of inconvenience. Instead, they found themselves working from home permanently while supervising virtual classes and trying to safely take a stroll around the neighborhood on a daily basis. The days that followed brought swamped medical resources, a stratospheric real estate market, and a host of generation-defining paradigm shifts, which have created permanent changes in the way w...

Designing Backyard Splendor
CENTURY 21 Select Group 2 years ago

The dog days of summer are often the perfect time to lounge lazily on the beach or in a hammock by the lake for hours on end. However, with a little effort and upkeep, you can create a personal oasis right in your backyard.


Go for green

Step one to achieving a healthy backyard is assessing your needs. Is your yard in need of a large landscaping project? Do you want to add a garden, potted plants on the patio, or both? Once you figure out the spots in your yard that require extra attention an...
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