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Book It: You Can Read 12 Books in 12 Months

“You can find magic wherever you look.

Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.”

— Dr. Seuss


Back before we were distracted by a million different things and a lifestyle that moves way too fast, the most popular form of entertainment was curling up with a good book. Books stimulate our imagination and transport our minds to other places, times, and dimensions like nothing else. Many still enjoy reading, of course, but if you’re someone who just can’t find the time or motivation to read a book, now you can—when you take this reading challenge!



Pile of books


Below you’ll find 12 categories of books. Make it your goal to read from a category each month: 12 books in 12 months. The structure of this challenge will allow you to stay committed, and the flexibility of the categories provides virtually limitless options. Once you finish a book, cross off its category, and then move on to another one. After your 12 months are up, you’ll be grateful for the incredible journeys you experienced through books!



Books of poetry beside cup of tea and picked flowers


1.  A book you can finish in a day

2. A book you should have read in school

3. A book published before you were born


Woman peeking out from behind battered book


4. A book you own but have never read

5. A book that intimidates you

6. A book of short stories


Books on shelves


7. A graphic novel

8. A book written by a celebrity

9. A New York Times best seller


Stack of books beside teacup


10. A book that is becoming a movie soon

11. A book on Time magazine’s Top 100 list

12. A nonfiction book about a subject you’ve always wanted to learn about


Printable book challenge



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